Pam and I had several experiences there while on the ghost tour.
My first encounter with a ghost occured in orientation. Sitting in the middle of my Mom and girlfriend. I distinctly remember two quick tugging pulls on my ear lobe. To the effect that I asked my Mom on that side if she tugged my ear. She said no; it was apparent she was listening to the guide. I turned to my girlfriend on the other side and asked her if she reached around and pull my ear as a joke. She said “Why would I do that?”. I was so perplexed that I turned to the lady behind me and asked her if she pulled my ear. She answered that she was not in the habit of pulling strangers ears. I was not yet sure of what had happened.
It was only later when the guide mentioned a little girl who poked people that I made the connection to something truly strange. For the next few weeks as I stayed at my Mom’s and back in Utah I would often hear a little girl happily calling Daddy. My feeling as if she was happy I had come back. It was a strange period of time after that I would awake at night and hear a little girls voice calling out to me.
I have had supernatural encounters in the past. This one is one of the most livid.
Michael J. B.
I was accompaning my family during the ghost tours and encountered my first ghost. The funny thing I dont believe it was a human though I believe it was Morris the cat…We were inside the mourge when all of a sudden I felt something brush up against my left lower calve and it felt exactly like what a cat would do when they greet you!!! I did not imagine this and it made me change my perspective about ghost..I was not scared but it was interesting!!
We haven’t heard of a cat brushing up against someone in the morgue yet. Thank you for sharing.