Mission ghosts are intent upon achieving some goal they have set for themselves.
If you have taken he ghost tour at the Crescent, you will learn Miss Theadora’s was to help her ill friends cross over when the hotel was a cancer hospital.
While staying in her room, 419, in late Feb. I encountered Miss Theadora. One of the best places to sleep with a ghost I have found after years of paranormal research is 419 at he Crescent. You won’t be disappointed!
First I couldn’t get in the room, I had to get housekeeping to let me in, this happens a lot I found out. Twice this happened to me. If you stay in 419, good luck on getting in!! Soon after I got in the room, I took a base line reading on my EMF meter, set up motion detector and took pictures.
I tried to channel Miss Theadora- no luck. I had high EMF spikes several times and my motion detector went off.
I was asking her to let me see her or let me know she was there. Lots of noises in the room, lots of high spikes on my EMF meter. I had taken my necklace, which has a cross on it, off along with my watch and laid it on the buffet. Sitting in he dark room several hours later I heard the necklace being picked up, laid down and then the watch. I know who this was. Hello, Miss Theadora!
After going to bed at 4:00 a.m., I was tapped on the foot after a short while. Waking, I saw a streak of energy- Miss Theadora going across the ceiling above my head first one way and then the other. She didn’t let me down and she won’t let you down.
Thank you, Miss Theadora.