Tag Archives: Basin Park Hotel

October Ghost Special

Only during the month of October can you stay at 2 Haunted Hotels…

Paranormal Pair Package for a Limited Time!

1 Night Stay at the Crescent and 2 tickets to the Ghost Tour 1 Night Stay at the Basin Park Hotel and 2 tickets to the Spirits of the Basin Tour

$259 plus tax.  Valid Sunday-Friday. (No Saturday)

Call To Book: 877-342-9766

Spirits of the Basin

America’s Most Haunted tour guides have begun investigation of the Basin Park Hotel in downtown Eureka Springs with a launch of the Spirits of the Basin Tour.  Our tour guides run daily investigations of the long rumored spirits within this 1905 landmark hotel that has already uncovered evidence of the paranormal.

Video of Energy (orbs) in Basin Speakeasy Cave:



“Guests in room 309 reported they awoke at 4am to see a 6 foot tall man wearing boots, spurs, and a duster standing at the foot of their bed.”

“I stopped by my room to put some powder in my shoes.  I distinctly remembered the powder being the last thing I packed before leaving my home. However, the powder was nowhere to be found.  I left the room to go shopping downtown.  I purchased a simple silver ring and placed it on the nightstand along with my watch, glasses and loose change, then went to sleep.  The next morning the ring was nowhere to be found.  After searching everywhere around the bed and shifting through the luggage items I gave up.  I raised my arms up into the air and said aloud, “When you finish playing with the ring, please return it to me.” Two weeks later, while sweeping my home, the ring appeared in the path of the floor that I was sweeping.”

“Last winter I was doing room checks on the second floor, no guests were around.  I had checked the north hall and turned the corner into the hall, towards the front of the hotel, when I heard a door slam behind me down the north hall. I checked the hall again but there wasn’t any unlocked doors nor anyone there. I proceeded to the South hall, as I started walking down the hall I heard what sounded like someone jiggling a door knob. This is the only time I have ever been unnerved in the Basin.”

It is important to know that while the America’s most haunted tour guides continue to investigate the Basin Park Hotel, the spirits tour covers more than just the ghostly experiences.  The tour captures all of the history and colorful characters who stayed, worked and died at the 1905 historic property. Tours are TuesdaySunday throughout the year (tours will only be offered Th-Sun from 8/16-9/6)– inviting guest to explore the legendary Basin Park Hotel, from the Crow’s Nest to the underground cave, and experience the spirits – living, dead and 92 proof .


The Missing Ring

Basin Park Hotel Spirit Experience Eureka Springs, AR

That evening, I removed the ring from my finger and placed it on the nightstand along with my watch, glasses and loose change, then went to sleep.  The next morning the ring was nowhere to be found.  After searching everywhere around the bed and sifting through the luggage items I gave up, raised my arms into the air and said aloud, “When you finish playing with the ring, please return it to me.”  Somehow I had a feeling it was a female spirit; a child.  Read more…

Basin Park Hotel Ghost Investigation RECAP



Ice and snow prevented Larry Flaxman’s invaluable participation and kept a few ESP (Eureka Springs Paranormal) fans at home, but we had a marvelous group of guests and the nocturnal investigations of the 1886 Crescent and 1905 Basin Park hotels were thoroughly enjoyable.

The Crescent obliged, as always, with indications of unseen presences, some great orb pictures and odd, inexplicable occurrences.  In January the plan had been to empty the Basin Park completely and explore the entire building while it was vacant – but then the ice came down and that plan had to be abandoned. By mid-February we had guests booked in already, but we were able to close down two floors and turn off hall lights. We started around 9 pm in the curious “cave” at the back of the Basin Park Hotel on street level – a high, wide aperture in the bluff against which the building is built. There were 20 guests and four Crescent Hotel tour guides. After explaining that, as none of us knew much about the Basin Park, we were all starting without preconceptions, we headed for the sixth floor.

We split into two groups. One party explored the Grand Ballroom, famous for the barefoot ball, the other the Lucky Seven Bar and Billiard Room, site of much illicit activity during Prohibition.  The orbs in the dark and cavernous Ballroom were brilliant and highly energized. In cameras we could see them performing aerial stunts, diving and swooping in the gloom – bright white, perfectly spherical and definitely not dust or insects.

Apart from spikes here and there on our EMF meters, the next major event took place in Room 519, which is known as one of the active spaces in the building. Several readers came up with the exactly the same finding – there seemed to be someone lying on the bed! We checked all around for sources of A/C current – there seemed to be no earthly reason for the off-the-chart readings down the center of the king bed in the center of the room.

On the third floor, room 313 showed a high rate of impulses, so we crowded in, closed the door, fell silent and then called to anyone who might be present. The impulses stopped, and try as we might, we could get no more response. Perhaps the entity did not like been in a tight space with so many strangers!

Throughout the rest of the investigation, slight phenomena occurred – someone felt cold on the back of their neck, apps produced words seemed uncannily apropos, spots where the meters responded seemed to move around, etc. No full body apparitions, nothing moved and no one poked or spoken to. We all wished we had more sophisticated equipment to follow up on what seemed to be strong indications. A little after midnight we called it a night.

So now we are looking forward to next January, when ESP weekend will be spread over two weekends – that way we should be able to keep the groups small enough to conduct serious explorations, our investigations will not be weather dependent and we will be bringing in more heavy-duty equipment.

So join us in 2015, to conduct a fully-equipped search, led by veteran paranormal investigators, of the 1886 Crescent and 1905 Basin park hotels in historic Eureka Springs!

FOOTNOTE – to all who were this us on this escapade: if you have pictures or experiences to share of your night at the Basin park – and we know some of you have some great stuff – do please send what you have to Barbara Kennedy  at Crescentghosts@gmail.com – we would love to post and archive all the evidence we gather very beginning!

Thanks, and we hope to see you all on the first weekend of  2015 – when ESP attendance will be capped at a reasonable number for serious investigation, and repeated the on the second weekend!


See you in the shadows – Keith Scales

For more information on ghost hunts and ghost tours, visit americasmosthauntedhotel.com

ESP Weekend Rescheduled

For 2015 Event, click here.


The Basin Park Hotel paranormal investigation has been rescheduled for Sunday, ESP weekendFebruary 9th, 2014. This event is part of the Eureka Springs Paranormal Weekend that took place in the beginning of January.  The Basin Park Hotel investigation was canceled and rescheduled due to inclement weather. 

Join us in this first time ever event where the active spaces of the 1905 Basin Park Hotel will be closed off to the public and only open to ghost hunter attendees.





ESP Weekends

ESP _ Wknd _ 2017 logo

January 6, 7, 8 and 13, 14, 15, 2017

ESP (Eureka Springs Paranormal) Weekends at the 1886 Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas have grown to become one of the largest ghost hunts in the United States – so popular it now includes two weekends to accommodate demand. Participants will be investigating two local, historic hotels in one weekend at ESP17!

Participants will be expertly guided for a behind-the-scenes quest for evidence in the famed 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa, “America’s Most Haunted Hotel in America”, that sits on a mountaintop overlooking beautiful Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The quest, for those who opt for an additional night, will included the Crescent’s sister hotel, the majestic 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa _ Eureka Springs AR _ from above _ sepia _ rev1905 Basin Park, in downtown Eureka Springs and just steps from the famous Basin healing spring, the one that first put Eureka on the map back in the nineteenth century.

The spaces known to be the most active at the Crescent Hotel will be open for investigation from midnight to dawn. On Saturday nights, the Crescent Hotel ghost hunt will be orchestrated and led by our ever-popular resident investigator, author of seven books about the supernatural and founder of ARPAST, the awesome Larry Flaxman! Those who choose to stay an extra night will be able to explore the Basin Park Hotel, with Larry in the lead –when the entire building hotel will be closed and empty except for event participants.

A plethora of events have been planned for the weekend. They include receptions; midnight champagne toasts to the ghosts; fully-costumed experienced ghost tour guides always on hand to facilitate the event; all the amenities of the famous 1886 Crescent Hotel including breakfast in the Crystal Dining Room Restaurant and socializing in the newly-expanded SkyBar; the gallery of historic photographs on the fourth floor; the new Crescent College and Conservatory Museum; as well as the unique and picturesque Ozark Mountain village of Eureka Springs to explore – all this and T-shirts, too! (And perhaps a few surprises…)


ESP17 (Please note: programs for each weekend are identical)


GUIDED INVESTIGATION OF THE MOST ACTIVES AREA OF THE CRESCENT HOTEL – rooms 419, 3500, 218, 101 (Governor’s Suite, new this year) and of course, 20140104_130618Norman Baker’s MORGUE – led by our resident paranormal investigator, the renowned LARRY FLAXMAN, author of seven books and founder of ARPAST. Saturday nights.

GUIDED INVESTIGATION OF THE BASIN PARK HOTEL, which will be closed and completely empty for this event. Led by the great Larry. Sunday nights.

INDEPENDENT NOCTURNAL INVESTIGATIONS – free roam from midnight to dawn with participants conducting their own search for our “guests who checked out but never left!”

Scheduled Events

NIGHTLY GHOST TOURS at the 1886 Crescent and1905 Basin Park hotels, geared especially to ESP investigators. Learn the history of the hotels and the town, hear the stories behind the sightings and identify the most active areas of the buildings.

STORY CIRCLE Gives participants a chance to relate their experiences of the supernatural, here and elsewhere, and to hear the stories of other ESP participants – hosted by long-time favorite tour guide Aunt Reba.

A SÉANCE Under controlled circumstances and with the assistance of trained psychics, participants will attempt to communicate with some of the better known departed spirits of the Crescent Hotel such as Norman Baker; the “Girl in the Mist”; and of course, Michael, the mischievous stonemason!

TECHNOPHILIA, or “My gadget is more sensitive than your gadget!” Participants will contrast and compare ghost-hunting equipment with other paranormal investigators.Larry Preparing This gives participants the opportunity to show off their favorite toys and to drool over the ones they don’t have… yet. SONGS IN THE KEY OF THE DEAD: a performance in words and music by popular duo Victoria Ralph and Bobby Matthews who will ask the questions: “Why do people seek scary experiences?” and “What is it that scares us the most?” IMMERSION – a theater experience with no “fourth wall.” Vince Johari will be the featured paranormal entertainer and guide into this realm of spirit communication.


ESP TESTING – Participants will investigate the phenomena known as telepathy, thought transference or remote viewing for personal evaluation. The tests will continue as they become more elaborate allowing participants to learn more about this fundamental mystery of human mental capacities as well as a chance to test their own PSI potential!

PSYCHOMANTEUM – Opens up the conduit to one’s own mind – or is it simply “the Other Side”? In ancient Greece, trained priests attempted to contact the spirits of the dead in a specially constructed, completely silent, subterranean temple called a psychomanteum. Reached through a complicated underground series of tunnels, the inner sanctum contained a still pool of water and single candle. In the process known as scrying, the initiate would gaze into the pool until visions appeared. A modern version of this sensory deprivation chamber was created by Dr. Raymond Moody, employing a soundproofed, mirrored room. Past participants have reported startling results.

Those who participate will experience the psychomanteum at the highest point in the Ozark hills. Whether one believes that the images come from “in there”, “out there”, or can find no distinction, the psychomanteum provides a rare and unique experience for the adventurous.

PSYCHIC SALON Psychics Lisa Dawn (Shustah cards); Michelle Rasmussen Foster (Intuitive Angel Readings); and Margo “the Charmreader” will be available throughout both ESP17 weekends to give readings and to enable future appointments to be made.


NOT REALLY A DOOR, a one-hour, two-actress, keep-‘em-guessing, supernatural, comedy-murder-mystery-thriller, created especially for our guests at “America’s Most Flickering TalesHaunted. It has the distinction of being the second longest running-play in Eureka Springs history! (Note: there will be no prizes for those who identify the longest, just the accolades of fellow participants.)

FLICKERING TALES – genuine Ozark stories of witches, monsters and ghosts, delivered by trained storytellers.


Awaiting participants will be receptions; midnight champagne toasts to the ghosts; fully-costumed experienced ghost tour guides always on hand to facilitate the event; the amenities of the famous 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa including breakfast in the Crystal Dining Room restaurant, socializing in the expanded SkyBar, the historic photograph gallery on the fourth floor; the Crescent College and Conservatory Museum; as well as the unique and picturesque Ozark Mountain village of Eureka Springs to explore. All this and T-shirts! (And maybe even a few surprises…) >Snacks and beverages available in the “small hours” at both hotels. >Shuttles available between hotels during certain hours >Discounted rate for extended stays by ESP17 participants Monday-Thursday, Jan 9-12, at both hotels

This Event Sells Out so please Reserve Your Spot by booking online for a 2 night or 1 night ESP Pkg:

2 Night (Fri/Sat) ESP Package-BOOK NOW

1 Night (Fri) ESP Package-BOOK NOW