My husband, our two sons, myself, my mom and dad, two sisters and two nieces stayed at your hotel on June 20th.
My sister, her two daughters, and my other sister stayed in room 205. They had taken the lamp shade off the lamp so they could see better while they were eating and set it on top of the TV About 10 minutes later they came running out of the room telling us that the shade had “jumped” up and spun around and then fell on the floor.
Then that night they said that the phone started ringing about every 30 minutes and nobody was on the line when they answered.
My husband, our two boys and I stayed in room 210. Our toilet would not stop running so my husband took the back off the toilet and saw that the chain was off. He put the chain back on and the toilet was fine for about an hour and then it started running again.
He took the back off again to find that the chain was off again so this time he twisted the end on so that it wouldn’t slip off anymore. We then went to bed and the next morning when we woke up the toilet was running, he looked in the back of the toilet to find that the chain had been twisted back the other way and it was off. We decided that we’d just leave it alone since someone wanted that chain off so bad.
My Mom and Dad stayed in 209. Everyone except for my Mom and Dad went down to walk in the garden, they stayed in their room. When we got outside we looked up at my Mom and Dad’s window and saw them looking down at us so we started waving at them.
We then walked all around the motel which was beautiful. We all then went back up to my Mom and Dad’s room to tell them good night and to ask them if they had seen us waving. They told us that they were never looking out the window and we thought they were just trying to play a trick on us until we looked at their window and saw that it was way too tall for them to have been looking out.